Lot 126 decking guys are wrapping up deck currently picking up tools, electrical cords, free of splices no hazards found at this time Lot 129 painters are currently completing interior paint they have respirators on and all of their electrical cords are free of splices Lot 77 electricians are in there completing electrical trim HVAC guys are setting heat pump. Electricians are using correct A-frame ladders and all of their cords are free of spices no hazard at this time. Lot 8 framers are completing first floor about to start second floor. Oleg and I stopped to inspect and noticed that they did not have their fall protection. Work plan completely filled out. We left them with a warning and gave them a full explanation on how to fill it out so that there was no room for air going forward aside from that no hazards found they were all wearing hardhats adequate footwear and glasses.