Lot 117. Foundation forms completed. Pouring concrete this p.m. Lot 119. Foundation forms completed. Pouring concrete this p.m. Lot 118. Second floor framing in progress. Fall protection plan in place. Appropriate ladders being used safely. Eye protection being worn. Hardhats being worn. Electric cords and air hoses in good condition. Lot 120. Second floor framing in progress. Fall protection plan in place. Appropriate ladders being used safely. Eye protection being worn. Hardhats being worn. Electric cords and air hoses in good condition. Lot five. Drywall hanging in progress. Proper ladder use being observed. Scaffolding installed properly. Scaffolding being used properly. No other issues. Lot eight. Trusses being installed. Fall protection plan in place. Appropriate ladders being used safely. Eye protection being worn. Hardhats being worn. Electric cords and air hoses in good condition.