Lot 696 -painters are doing final interior touch up everywhere and wearing proper PPE everything is good. Lot 695 -painters are doing interior painting everyone\'s wearing correct PPE and using appropriate height ladders for the task at hand everything is good. Lot 694- drywall tapers are applying mud to sheet rock joints no scaffold is on site using ladders only everything is good. Lot 693- deck guys are working on rear deck all safety rails are installed. No activity on interior of home waiting for cabinets to be installed. Lot 692 gutters are being installed on exterior of building gutter guys using correct ladders at 4 to 1 angle no activity on interior of home today. Lot 691 no activity today waiting for inspections to pass. Lot 682 foundation guys finishing up stripping foundation they are working on cutting all the foundation bands at this moment everything looks good. Lot 680 no activity today framers waiting on inspections to finish framing everything was good all window guard rails are installed. Lot 679 framers doing pick up framing all windows have correct guard rails in and framers were incorrect PPE everything was good. Lot 677 no activity on interior waiting for house to be super punched landscapers are finishing up the exterior everyone wearing the correct PPE everything was good. Lot 676 waiting for tapers to finish applying mud to sheet rock do you mean no activity at this present time everything was good.