Lot 139_ ashland landscaping installing irrigation in front yard, All PPE is good to go Lot 277_Westside insulation installing attic and crawl insulation, all PPE is good to go Lot 276_ Turbo painting doing an exterior paint all PPE is good to go Lot 275 Turbo Painting doing exterior paint, guys on the roof and they\'re missing the fall protection plan talking with the foreman. They are going to get it out of the van and get it posted right away. I explained that the form must be filled out and posted before they go up on the roof. Lot 273_ zweigart siding installing exterior siding, found that one of the installers was not using the vacuum while cutting siding in the back of the house stop the work, educated the installer on the importance of making sure that they use the vacuum every time and make sure vacuum was connected before work started back up again Lot 279_ EK plumbing installing plumbing trim inside home, all PPE is good to go Lot 282_Eco heating and cooling installing HVAC rough, all PPE is good to go Lot 270_framers finishing up roof sheeting and pick up framing, no fall protection plan posted in Framer on the roof with no fall, arrest, harness or rope, spoke with Serge about making sure we don\'t do that anymore also missing safety rail and stairs inside the home Lot 269_framers working on second floor walls spoke to the framers about getting the stairs inside the home installed since they\'re on the second floor they confirmed that they will be installing as soon as possible