Lot 102- RNR builders pick up framing , PPE is good proper use of ladders fall protection plan in place . Lot 106- RNR builders 2nd floor framing, PPE is good safety railing looks good fall protection plan in place , building stairs before second floor studs raised Lot 107- RNR builders 1 st floor framing, PPE is good fall protection plan in place Lot 110/111- grandview landscaping laying sod PPE is good Lot 112- craftsman remodeling , millwork install PPE looks good chords are in good condition saw with guard and dust collector, Lot 116/117 Swigart siding exterior siding install , PPE looks good, pump jack plumb a with mud sill , fall protection plan up Lot 69/70- westside drywall mud and tape install, no scaffolding PPE looks good chords are good