PVV Lot 696 painters are finishing up topcoat. For extension ladders are on site. They are all set up correctly. Painters are wearing appropriate PPE and one has for harness on working safely.. PVV Lot 695 painters are on site have fall harnesses on. Two safety ropes are installed. One guy has safety harness on for two different points. Second painter is working off extension ladder on second floor front has feet on the ladder and appropriate PPE and safety. PVV lot 694 Tile installer is working. I asked him to put on ear protection. I did not have any extra, but I asked him to stop and go get them out of his truck. He did so. PVV lot 676. The stone masons are here installing. I asked the man that is working on the wet saw to put can you protection on he did not have hearing protection on, so I went to my truck and gave him a set of mops that I had . The rest of the crew is working safety with appropriate PPE. PVV lot 677. The painter is here doing touchup working on the front of home with extension ladder. He has all the appropriate PPE and is working safely. PVV lot 679 integrity roofing installer is up on the roof. He is tied off with safety harness has caution tape up compressor has GFCI and hose is ran appropriately and safely extension ladder is 3 feet minimum be on the roof plane as well as tied off. PVV Lot 680 framers are wrapping up punch items working off of 6 foot ladders installing hardware cord is plugged into GFCI size are cordless and have their blade guards install all appropriate PPE is being worn PVV Lot 691 framing crew is on site. They have three anchor points on trusses and are cutting in and out lookers bird blocks and bracing. All trusses. GFCI is used where the chargers are plugged in on the 10th power hardhats safety vest for harnesses appropriate PPE, as being worn all framing crew members have safety glasses PVB lot 687 pick up framing four crew for crewmembers are on site . All four are wearing safety vest, hardhats glasses, appropriate footwear in attire and PPE. One crew. Member is up on back porch and is tied off to the beam with temporary fall equipment. I asked him to tighten lanyard and rope. Framing crew are using cordless saws play guards are installed two framers who are nailing have glass safety glasses on one crew. Member does not have glasses. He is cleaning up. Job is safe and very clean garbage to be pile is at the street. PVV 690 excavation crew is working safely. Have all locates done and backfilling at this time 683 and 68 to backfill is being messed at this time. All foundation bands have been cut. The foundation is safe to work around. .