Lots 191-194 Turbo- self supporting ladder is appropriate height for the job and is in good condition. Sunlight- self supporting ladder is appropriate height and in good condition, worker is using eye protection with his power drill. No issues. Lots 148-150 PAC crest- circular saw had blade guard, extension chord was free is splices, chord was plugged into a gfci protected outlet and ran along the wall. Safety glasses were worn when saw was in use. Paulsons- no power tools in use, workers were just laying carpet padding. No issues. Lots 151-154 No workers. Lots 215-218 No workers. Lots 218-222 Sheet rock- workers were using eye protection with power drill, had small self supporting ladders that were appropriately sized. Extensions chords were free of splices and had grounding pins, but were scattered around so I asked them to keep their chords organized and out of walking hazard. No issues.