Lot 120 framers are currently fixing corrections from previous inspection. They have their eye protection on and are only nailing off the parts of the sheer wall. They do not have any ladders out as this is all work that needs to be completed on the first floor, no hazards found at this time Lot 117 framers are currently doing post and beam. They\'re all wearing hard hats, eye protection, and adequate footwear. Currently they are sitting in their vans preparing to start work. No hazards found at this time. Lot 33 currently has cabinet guys doing final touchups. They are currently only using some stain rags and cleaning solution. No hazards found at this time. Lot 75 millwork is currently being delivered. The guys are trained on carrying heavy material. There are no hazards found at this time. Lot 76 slab is being installed. The guys are wearing respirators eye protection and gloves. They have the windows open due to the fumes and there are no hazards found at this time. Lot 10 the guys are currently doing backfill and just filling in trenches nobody\'s on the ground just a dude in the excavator no hazards found at this time Due to the holidays, there are limited trades on site