Lot 80 I was out walking my site doing my safety inspection came up to lot 80 framers were framing second floor without stairs being built, brought it to the attention. They corrected immediately. Lot 78 out walking my site doing my safety walk came up to lot 78. No one working at this home at this time. Lot 28 I was out doing my safety walk came up to lot 28. Electricians were doing finish electrical in this home. They all had their personal protective equipment on that\'s required. Lot 26 I was out doing my safety walk came up to lot 26. This home is at taping, but no one working in this home at this time. Lot 25 I was out doing my safety walk came up to lot 25 roofers were roofing the home they had all their personal protective equipment on as required and also all their fall protection equipment on.