Lot 117 framers are wrapping up first floor fall protection work plan is up all guys are wearing hard hats. I stopped to inspect a couple of A-frame letters that they were using that were leaning up against the building, but they were designed to lean against them and we\'re fine. All framers are wearing eye protection while using nail gun I checked their electro cords, all free of splices. Lot 119 framers are starting first floor talk to two of them as they were hooking up their nail gun and made sure that they were eye protection prior to starting nail off. They are just starting to roll out their equipment. They confirm they will have fall protection work plan prior to starting no hazards found at this time. Lot 120 plumber is currently removing Ruff plumbing test balloon no equipment is currently being used. No hazards found at this time. Very good. Lot 125 excavators are currently completing scratch and getting ready for hub and tack no trenches only surface level dirt removal. Any hazards present at this time. One guy in the machine, the assistant is watching from a safe distance. Lot 75 painters are currently performing interior paint their chords are free of spices unable to do a full inspection due to them spraying paint in the home. They\'re wearing their PPE no hazards found at this time. Lot five has landscapers, completing front yard only using hand tools no hazards found at this time Lot 6 has cabinet guys installing cabinets table saw has guard they\'re using eye protection when using their nail gun and all of their cords are free of spices Lot seven has sider installing siding they are using a vacuum when making their cuts their cut man is wearing a hard hat. They have their fall protection work plan. The Installer with the nail gun is wearing eye protection. Their pump jacks are leveled and have proper footing as to not slip no hazards found at this time.