Lot 695 waiting for exterior paint touch up to be completed no activity on home today everything was good. Lot 694 no activity on home today waiting for interior paint to start on Monday everything looks good. Lot 693 painters are doing interior paint they are wearing the correct PPE everything was good. Lot 692 drywaller\'s sanding final coat where correct PPE and correct height of ladders for the task at hand everything was good. Lot 679 Sider is finishing up siding on exterior of home they have correct mud sills for pump jacks and they are harnessed off everything looks good. Lot 680 electricians are doing rough wiring on interior of home had to remind the electrician to put our safety glasses while drilling through wood. They are using the correct height of ladders for the task at hand. Sider\'s are starting signing on exterior of home or in the correct PPE incorrect type of ladders for task at hand. Lot 691- plumbers doing rough plumbing using the correct type ladders for the task at hand and wearing correct PPE everything was good. Lot 692 framers framing the first floor wiring correct PPE correct type of ladders for task at hand everything was good. Lot 689 foundation guys setting up foundation forms where in correct PPE everything was good. Lot 690 waiting for a house to dry out before starting insulation no activity on inside of home everything was good. Lot 703 foundation guy setting up foundation forms where in the correct PPE everything was good. Lot 683 framers are decking the subfloor a post and beam wearing correct PPE everything was good.