Lot 67 holt final punch PPE good Lot 68 holt final punch PPE good Lot 69/70 waiting for slabs no trades onsite Lot 71/72 westside drywall texture PPE good 116/117 westside drywall just finished insulation ppe used properly 118/119 Swigart siding ladders PPE vacuums all ppe good 113 craftsman remodeling gaurds on saws PPE used properly 112 three phase electrical trim PPE is good ladders are proper hight for tasks 109 pacific crest cab install guards on saws PPE is good ladders are good 108 america first roofing fall protection plan is up proper use and length of ladders drop zone properly cautioned off 105 RNR builders framing second floor PPE is good ladders are proper hight fall protection plan in place and discussed building stairs prior to standing second floor walls and discussed putting up safety rails once working on second level 103 RNR builders finishing pick up frame currently scrapping around home and cleaning as they\'re finishing up 102 apex rough heat mech ladders and PPE are all good