Lot 680- pre-drywall walk with homeowner is today no activity on inside or outside of home today everything was good. Lot 679 waiting for pre-drywall walk with homeowner which is tomorrow no activity on inside or outside of home today everything looks good. Lot 676- painters are painting interior of home they are wearing the correct PPE everything looks good. Lot 692- floor guy is installing laminate flooring I checked saws to make sure they had the correct safety guards on them. Also checked all chords for exposed wires and nicks all chords. They are wearing the correct PPE everything looks good. Lot 691 electricians just finished up Rough wire waiting for inspection to proceed with insulation no activity on the inside of home today. Lot 690- framers are finishing up second-story framing they are starting to shoot through tomorrow all window Guard rails are installed everything looks good. Lot 702 framers are framing the first floor wearing the correct PEE. I had to remind them to use GFCI protected three-way when plugged into the power boxes. Lot 701 utilities And range rain piping are dug and installed i\'ll spoil piles are 2 feet away from trench. Lot 704- foundation is been poured everyone is wearing correct PPE everything looks good. Lot 703- Utilities being backfilled excavator is wearing the correct PPE everything looks good. Lot 689 utilities dug and rain drains are installed waiting for inspection all spoil piles are 2 foot away from trench. Lot 687 pre-drywall today with homeowner waiting for insulation to start. Sider\'s are citing the exterior of the home pump jacks have the correct mud seals on them they are waiting to crack PPE everything was good. Lot 683 framers starting the second floor framing all window guard rails are in framers are wearing the correct PPE and using GFCI three ways for the temp power. Lot 682 plumbers are rough plumbing interior of home wiring the correct PPE and correct pipe ladders for the task at hand.