Lot 275_TURBO PAINTING inside starting millwork and paint prep, All PPE is good to go Lot 272_framers, installing post and beam, one guy not using safety glasses when using his nail gun stopped work made sure safety glasses were on before work started again Lot 281 and 282_DREW Excavation doing final grade. All PPE is good to go. Lot 283_Airco heating and cooling finishing up HVAC rough in, All PPE is good to go What 270_TURBO PAINTING and Performance Building Products, Turbo Painting did not have the ball protection plan posted they had it in the van. I stopped work to verify that all signatures were filled out and paperwork was filled out and had them post it on the garage door, Performance, installing garage door all PPE is good to go. Lot 268_Oregon Western Windows installing windows all PPE is good to go Lot 268 Zweigart Siding finishing up taping seam on building wrap, all PPE is good to go Lot 242_ 1st, roofing installing roof shingles fall protection plan was posted, but not in the proper location. The Sider covered it up with paper, so I stopped the foreman and asked him to make sure that he posted it in the garage where it\'s not going to be covered and can always be seen and inspected. Lot 242_Framer is just doing cleanup and pick up all PPE is good to go