Lot 693- carpet installation on interior of home today everyone wearing proper PPE no activity on exterior of home everything was good. Lot 694 drywall touch up on interior of home everyone wearing the proper PPE and correct height ladder for the task at hand. Lot 692- no activity on interior of home today waiting for backsplash to be installed no activity on exterior of home today. Lot 676 HVAC company doing their trim work on interior of home they are wearing the correct PPE everything looks good. Lot 680 drywaller\'s hanging drywall on interior of home they are wearing the correct PPE everything looks good. Lot 679 masonry is being installed on exterior of home everyone wearing the correct PPE everything looks good. Lot 682 siders are putting drain wrap on exterior of home they are harnessed up and tied off one rope per one anchor point everything was good. Lot 683 framers are doing pick up framing on interior of home wearing the correct PPE everything was good. Lot 690 roof plumbers are doing the plumbing on the interior of home. On the exterior of home roofer is starting roofing the lower roofs he is Harnest up and tied off for one anchor point. Lot 702 framers are starting do you install trusses on second floor everyone where the correct PPE everything looks good at this point. Lot 704 waiting for poster team to start no activity on home today. Lot 689 Fetig pouring garage floor today everyone wearing proper PPE everything was good. Lot 687 house is on hold on the interior for the time being no activity on inside of home. On exterior i\'m home Sider is finishing up siding everyone and proper PPE everything was good.