GM 195 - insulators on site for attic and crawl. Wearing proper ppe - mask, eye protection Gm 189- painter on site doing touch up. Extension cords are in good condition with ground pin in place - 2x4\'s on site in the driveway with protruding nails- corrected immediately. Gm 188 - no trades on site - garage is clean allowing safe access to home GM 187- no trades on site - garage is clean allowing safe access to home GM 186- landscaper on site building retaining wall for heat pump. Locates were called prior to digging. GM 185- excavator on site digging utilities- locates were called prior to digging. Excavations are benched properly and spoil piles are moved more than 2 feet away from excavations. GM 195 - 1 story home but has window guard in place at front window Gm 239- all window guards in place - no trades on site Gm 238 - hvac crew on site - ladders & extension cords are in good condition Gm 223- framer on site - fall protection work plan posted - wearing proper ppe - need window guard at front window but still working on wall. Framer will place guard when finished working on front wall. Gm 222- no trades on site - home is stocked with sheet rock and Sheetrock is secured to the studs to prevent it from tipping over.