Lot 474 -framers are sheeting the roof of the house,wearing harness and tied off, using cut saw with guard, ladder passed inspection, using hand held tools wearing PPE Lot 475- plumber are roughing house, using power tools wearing PPE,hand held tools Lot 476 -siding wrapped is being installed on house,ladder passed inspection, using power tools, wearing gloves and glasses, Lot 477- Flooring is being installed, cut saw has a guard on it, using hand held tools Lot 478-painting exterior of the house, Painter is using harness and tied off, inside the house masking for inside paint,ladder passed inspection Lot 467-siding wrapped around the house,ladder passed inspection, using power tools wearing PPE,using hand held tools Lot 466- drywall taper is using scaffold that is fully planked, using hand held tools, wearing no PPE Lot 465- finished carpenter using ladder and passed inspection, using power tools wearing PPE, using hand held tools