Lot 269 and 270_ Morcrete pouring concrete on sidewalks and approaches, all PPE is good to go Lot 284_ Airco heating and cooling installing HVAC rough all PPE is good to go Lot 283_Zweigart Siding finishing up exterior siding, fall protection plan is posted and filled out properly pump jacks installed level and have the proper footing brackets all PPE is good to go Lot 281 and 282_Ashland Landscape finishing up installing grass bark and rock drains. All PPE is good to go. Lot 271 and 272_framers are working on first floor walls on both houses, two guys not wearing safety glasses while using nail guns, spoke with Serge to have them get them on right away Lot 274_Turbo Painting finishing up walls on interior paint, all PPE is good to go