Lot 5, 6 - Final punch Lot 7 - Flooring in progress. Starting tomorrow. No safety concerns. Lot 8 - Cabinet install. Eye protection is worn and extension cords in proper order. Saw has a guard. Lot 9, 10 - Sheerwall inspection. Safety railing is up. No safety concerns. Lot 11, 12 - Waiting on 2nd floor material. No trades in site today. No safety concerns. Lot 13, 14, 79, 111, 113, 115 - Foundation forms are in. Inspection day. Lot 74, 75, 76, 77, &128, 129, 130, 131 - Inventory, HOWT/HOSO stage. Lot 78 - 2nd floor walls are up. Final prep before trusses. Stairs are in, safety railing is up. No safety concerns. Lot 114, 116, 125 - Post and beam plumbing. Eye protection is on. No safety concerns. Lot 117 - HVAC day 1. Ladder safety in proper use. No safety concerns. Lot 118, 120 - Drywall in progress. No drywallers on site. Lot 119 - Inspection day for rough plumbing. No trades on site.