Lot 314 Insulators ladders are in good condition, proper height for tasks, and set up correctly. Lot 315 Insulation crews ladders are set up correctly, in good condition, and proper height needed. Lot 316 Landscapers installed caution tape around backflow hole Lot 317 Window cleaners are properly tied off for 2nd floor windows. Ladders are extended 3\' above roofline, ladders are in good condition. Lot 322 Framers properly tied off while setting trusses, ladders are in good condition, gfci protection being used at temp power, saws have guards installed, everyone is wearing proper ppe. Lot 325 Cabinet crew saws have proper guards, using gfci protection at temp power. Lot 326 Framers setting trusses are properly tied off, ppe is worn by everyone, ladders are in good condition, saws have proper guards, gfci being used at temp power.