Lot 116 Sider are currently installing siding cut man is wearing hardhat has his vacuum. They are currently working on the first floor and haven\'t set up any scaffolding fall protection. Work plan is present. All their electrical cords are free of splices. There are no hazards found at this time Lot 115 framers are wrapping up post and beam all of the whole downs have anchor caps on them. There are no uncut foundation bands or any stabbing poking hazards. They are using a compressor that\'s directly connected to the electrical outlet so no electrical cords are being used. They are all wearing glasses, boots and hardhats. No hazards found at this time. Lot 114 and 113 foundation guys are making adjustments and are simply using hand tools no hazards found at this time Lot 14 foundation guys are stripping forms. They are just using hammers and are stacking all of the forms back on their trailer no hazards found at this time. They also confirm that they are adding hold down caps and cutting back all banding to prevent any poking and stabbing hazards Lot 11 framers have begun second floor. Their stairway is completed and they have bracing around the whole perimeter of the exterior wall. Fall protection work plan is present. Everyone using a nail gun has eye protection. They had one cord that appeared to have a little bit of damage so I asked them to please remove it and they no hazards found at this time Lot nine plumbers are currently wrapping up after completing Ruff plumbing. No, hazards found at this time. Lot five carpet guy is currently installing. He\'s just using hand tools no hazard at this time.