Lots 445 to 448: final reporting, all coo submitted, at homeowner punch items only Lot 445 pro-heating replacing compressor on heat pump, no safety issues Lot 471: no activity waiting for interior paint Lot 470; no activity waiting for interior paint Lot 469: no activity Lot 468: superior carpentry, good cords, chop saw guards in place, vacuum being used with cuts, ear and eye protection being worn. Lot 472: no activity waiting for Lot 473: no activity Lot 474: macadam shower tile prep, good cords no issues Trobella setting cabinets, cords and equipment guards in place, ear and eye protection being worn Lot 475: Trobella setting cabinets, cords and equipment guards in place, ear and eye protection being worn Lot 476: west side drywall, proper ladder for current installation Lot 477 to 479: no activity during inspection Lots 480 to 483: no activity during inspection, concrete poured earlier. No issues. Lots 460 to 463: Mendez concrete setting foundation forms, no Visible issues