Lot 25 On Monday, I was out doing my safety meeting inspection walk. I came up to lot 25. No one was working there. Lot 24 I was out doing my safety walk on Monday morning came up to lot 24. The siding company guys were there. They didn\'t have hardhats on or eye protection. They were also cutting with no vacuum how to bring it to the tension twice by the time they listen. Lot 22 I was out doing my inspection came by lot 22 electricians were there working they all had their personal protective equipment on that\'s required. Lot 81 how was out doing my safety inspection walk came up to lot 81 the framers were there rolling trusses. They all had their hardhats and fall protection on and eyewear like required. Lot 80 I got doing my safety walk came up to lot 80. No one was working there at the time. Lot 79 I was out doing my safety walk came up to lot 79. No one was working there at the time.