Lot 44 HVAC rough to begin rough plumb wrapping up no issues found Lot 3 - drywall hang starting soon. Waiting for insulation inspection. No issues found Lot 4 finishing up rough electrical work and then waiting for inspection. Deck install complete. No issues found Lot 5 foundation forms are set and waiting for inspections. Spoils kept away from excavators cuts. No issues rounds Lot 10 framing finished and lumber stacked for returns. Site is clean. No issues found Lot 11 second floor framing starting, stairs framed before second floor walls stand up. No issues found Lot 19 post and beam framing starting. PPE worn, no issues found Lot 33 waiting for more framing materials. Lower floor framed. No issues found Lot 51 excavation finish and waiting for survey crew to mark corners of foundation. Spoils kept away from excavate cuts Lot 52 foundation in progress. Rebar cut onsite with PPE worn. No issues found Lot 54 excavation starting. No issues found