GM 239 - no trades on site but Sheetrock taper has 5\' scaffolding set up with no guard rails and cross bracing missing on one side. Message has been sent to Westside to correct before working on the platform. GM 238 - no trades on site but trash is moved to one side of garage for clear access and temp heat extension cords have ground intact. GM 237 - Framer on site setting trusses - fall protection work plan is in place and crew is wearing proper fall protection. Ropes appear to be in good condition. Window guards in place GM 236 - Framer on site working on first floor framing. Crew wearing proper ppe (safety glasses, hard hats, safety vest, gloves) GM 228 - foundation crew on site - wearing proper ppe. Tools with cords appear to be in good condition. GM 224 - Plumber on site - using appropriate ladders for the job and they appear to be in good condition. GM 223 - sider on site working on lap siding. Scaffolding is set up on a firm and level ground. They are using the vacuum while cutting and fall protection work plan is posted in the garage. -Electrician also on site. Using proper ladders for the job and they appear to be in good condition. GM 222 - no trades on site - ground pins intact for temp heat extension cords/ fans & garage is clean